Welcome to the Diocesan Registry
Here you will find information about the work of the Diocesan registry teams in the Dioceses we serve, being Guildford, London, Norwich and St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich. You will also be able to find answers to many frequently asked questions about the law relating to the Church of England and its clergy, dioceses and parishes.
If you can’t find the information you need here, please feel free to contact us using the ‘Contact’ buttons on any page, or phone or email one of our team whose details appear below.
The work of the Diocesan Registry
Each Diocese of the Church of England has two Legal Officers, the Chancellor and the Registrar, who may have deputies. The following are the main areas of work undertaken by the Registrar at the Diocesan Registry:
The giving of advice to the Bishops and all other clergy, to diocesan boards and committees, and to Churchwardens and Parochial Church Councils, and dealing with general enquiries from members of the public in relation to marriage, baptism, burial, etc.
The granting of Faculties to authorise changes or additions to consecrated buildings and burial grounds.
The preparation of notices, licences, permissions, instruments and all other documents relating to the appointment of clergy and lay office holders.
Marriage Licences
The issue of Common Licences on behalf of the Bishop of London, to authorise marriages in parish churches and in other buildings licensed for the solemnisation of marriages according to the rites and ceremonies of the Church of England.
The preparation of the documents required for the consecration of churches, churchyards and cemeteries.
Maintenance of a register of patrons of the diocese, and ensuring that the provisions of the Patronage (Benefices) Measure 1986 are complied with in relation to the filling of vacant benefices.
Diocesan Records
The maintenance of records relating to churches, clergy, etc.
Latest News
These web pages are intended to provide a composite resource on ecclesiastical law matters affecting dioceses, parishes, clergy and other members of the Church of England, particularly within the dioceses of London, St Edmundsbury & Ipswich, and Norwich.
Here we note recent developments in ecclesiastical law affecting the Church of England
As of 1 January 2024, the new Parochial Fees payable in respect of baptisms, marriages and funerals may be found at 2024 Parochial Fees